Monday, September 17, 2012

ANTM Alumni a meth addict?

Most of us would run home every Wednesday to catch America's Next Top Model.  I know I did.  I don't remember what cycle Jael was in, but I remember always feeling that she had substance abuse problems.  She spoke very slowly and seemed a bit off.  I believe her cycle was the one where 50 cent pushed her into the swimming pool because she kept bothering him. 

Fast forward 6 years and Jael makes her next television debut on Dr. Phil.  This was not an episode where they catch up with the former model and find out what she's doing now.  Or maybe it was.  The episode was to implore Jael to seek medical treatment for her 6 year addiction to Crystal Meth.  Jael was visibly embarrassed, attempted to run from the cameras most of the show and scared of what can happen to her if she decided to seek treatment.  Eventually Dr. Phil was able to get her to agree to go to rehab. 

My prayers go out to her and her family.  Addiction is serious.  I hope she recovers fully.  SHAME on Tyra Banks for not offering some type of assistance to this young woman.  I think eventually she will come to her aide... for publicity. 

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